Thanks to more connected devices per person (3.47 per person in 2015 moving towards 6.58 per person in 2020) and IoT catching up, data is everywhere but building intelligence out of that which can aid in analysis and timely action is NOT easy. There are ways to address this burning problem. Data visualization is one such enabler that makes it easier to analyze and take appropriate actions – be it in delighting customers or growing the revenues or boosting the employee morale or introducing a product. An integrated dashboard which brings these diverse information from various sources (tools, excel, flat files, API’s,..) will provide immenseExcel to the stakeholders.

We at WinVinaya, have built a dashboard on the HR/Competency aspects to delight the internal customers and boost the morale. We believe that we should focus on “Critical Few” metrics, show trends, allow drill down across levels (ex: Company, Business Unit, Project…) to enable decisions. It should be Intuitive and “Interactive” and allow slicing and dicing of data as appropriate. We have taken into consideration some key metrics of HR like attrition, man power planning, skill / competency and have built an Analytics dashboard for HR. Some sample graphs are shown here and to view the complete tool, please go to

Image indicating Data Visualization

We have experience in building such integrated online/real-time intuitive, innovative and highly interactive.

If you are interested in building a data analytics tool for your delivery organization or for any of the business functions, or for the entire organization across multiple departments, please do reach us at and we will be happy to help you in providing a data analytics solution.

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