WinVinaya InfoSystems created a Power BI report for “Get FIT with WinVinaya” event conducted by WinVinaya Foundation.  86 participants registered for this event including Persons with Disabilities and Persons without disabilities.  The main objective of this event was to encourage participants to walk/ exercise over a 25 day period.  Each person was allocated to one of 7 teams and chose their personal fitness goal, in terms of # of steps to walk per day.

Purpose of the Power BI Report:

To provide a simple, elegant, interactive, live report which showed Goal Vs Actual, Walking Progress Trend – at an event level, team level, participant level.

Data Collection:

WinVinaya formed 7 teams comprising of one Team Lead with 12 or 13 participants in each team. Each participant will send the screen shot the # of steps they walked from their gadget/app every day to the team whatsapp group.

An excel document with one sheet for each team and one consolidated “Progress Tracker” sheet was created and shared with Team Leads in Onedrive. Each team lead captured the information in an excel sheet specific to their team. The consolidated sheet called “Progress Tracker” automatically pulled information from the respective team sheets.

Data Visualization:

Power BI report was created based on the “Progress Tracker” sheet, it included key metrics like:

Goal Vs Actual (in terms of average # of steps)

Total steps walked

Kilometers walked (calculated using a formula)

Trend visual shows the Steps walked every day

Trend visual shows the KMs covered in each day

The report was interactive and allowed the user to see information at an Event Level, or choose any of the 7 teams to see the info at a Team level or choose/search for a participant and see info at a participant level.

Automated data refresh:

This report had near to LIVE data with automatic data refresh happening every one hour. It was also embedded in WinVinaya Foundation website:

Impact of the Power BI Report:

Participants enjoyed seeing their walking trend, along with their teams walking trend.  This created a healthy, friendly competition which helped improve overall fitness of the participants.

