Data on the GO… Information on our finger tips… Faster data insights… Swift data driven decision is the order of the day!!!

To keep up with the rapid pace of business and a workforce that is always on the go, Microsoft Power BI has introduced mobile reports to view and share from any device, anytime, anywhere.

The biggest challenge for reports on the phone is finding the right amount of interactivity on a small device screen. Displaying data clearly on a small screen requires re-sizing visuals, which in turn can change the ease of interactions.

Microsoft Power BI addresses most of these challenges and brings us highly scalable reports on our phone. Accessing intuitive and interactive Power BI reports in our phone helps us take decision faster and solve problems.

Some of the salient features of this service are:

  • Cross filter and cross-highlight of the visuals
  • Focus mode for report visuals, double tap to expand the graph to full screen
  • Annotated tiles snapshots in email
  • Data Alerts, sorting and Drill-down features
  • Report access in QR codes
  • Advanced mobile capabilities such as Barcode scanner and Geo filtering

WinVinaya can help you transform your company’s data into rich visuals that you can organize the way you want!!! We transformed one of our existing reports to visualize it in phone mode, below are the screenshots of that report. It is done in Power BI desktop and published to Power BI service.

Power BI Reports on Phone
To know more about this, please do reach us at and we will be happy to help you to build reports on the phone.

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